MyAES - zorro windfram config - SKINNING
Zorro windfram Config:
For position described below see the myaes-skinning page, same for colors, or see config-colors.
skin.cnf | explanation | |
theme_name=Fake White v1 theme_author=Paul Wratt - http://paul...kins/myaes/ menu_font_color1=0 menu_font_color2=9 title_font_color1=8 title_font_color2=1 title_font_disable_color1=8 title_font_disable_color2=9 title_x_pos=2 info_font_color=1 info_font_disable_color=9 title_height=22 title_width=200 title_x_offset=12 title_w_offset=98 info_height=16 info_width=72 info_x_offset=16 info_w_offset=20 hslide_width=15 hslide_height=15 hslide_x_offset=7 hslide_w_offset=7 vslide_width=15 vslide_height=15 vslide_y_offset=8 vslide_h_offset=5 closer_pos=2 closer_size=15 smaller_pos=2 smaller_size=15 fuller_pos=2 fuller_size=15 sizer_size=15 varrow_height=15 varrow_width=15 up_arrow_pos=1 down_arrow_pos=3 harrow_height=15 harrow_width=15 left_arrow_pos=3 right_arrow_pos=1 vscroll_width=15 vscroll_height=15 vscroll_y_offset=0 hscroll_width=15 hscroll_height=15 side_bar_color=9 v_side_bar_height=15 v_side_bar_width=15 h_side_bar_height=15 h_side_bar_width=15 x_space=3 y_space=3 | theme name (include version) (must be unique) theme author (and web site) (ignored) menu bar selected text color (bug - see config-colors) menu ber text color (natural=9) title bar text shadow color title bar text color (natural=1) unfocused window, title bar text shadow color (natural=8) unfocused window, title bar text color (natural=9) title bar text position (natural=2) active window, info bar font color (natural=1) unfocused window, info bar font color (natural=9) height of title bar background image width of title bar background image (natural=200) start of tiled part of title bar background image width of tiled part of title bar background image height info bar background image (natural=16) width info bar background image (image includes borders) start of tiled part of info bar background image width of tiled part of info bar background image bottom scrollbar slider image width (image includes window border) bottom scrollbar slider image height (image includes window border) start of tiled part of bottom scrollbar slider image width of tiled part of bottom scrollbar slider image right scrollbar slider image width (image includes window border) right scrollbar slider image height (image includes window border) start of tiled part of right scrollbar slider image (top is 2px - bug) height of tiled part of right scrollbar slider image closer button position (natural=2) closer button image size (square) iconizer button position (natural=2) iconizer button image size (square)5 fuller button position (natural=2) fuller button image size (square) sizer button image size (square) up and down scroll arrow image height up and down scroll arrow image width up arrow button position (natural=1) down arrow button position (natural=3) left and right scroll arrow image height left and right scroll arrow image width left arrow button position (natural=3) right arrow button position (natural=1) width of bottom (with scrollbars) border image height of right (with scrollbars) border image offset to start tileing image from width of bottom (with scrollbars) border image height of bottom (with scrollbars) border image (unused) default scroll bar color height of left and right (without scrollbars) border image width of left and right (without scrollbars) border image height of bottom border image width of bottom border image affects left and right title text and button position and button spacing affects top of title text and button position |