MyAES - zorro windfram config colors - SKINNING
(myaes-skinning zorro config file zorro windfram zPro windfram)

Zorro windfram Color Values:
menu_font_color1 is curently ignored, hope to be fixed in the future. The config allows certain menu bar colors to be defined, not the menu text itself, their numbering and effects are as follows:
menu_font_color1 (ignored) menu_font_color2
5teal (cyan)
8light grey
9dark grey
10dark red
11dark green
12dark blue
13dark teal (dark cyan)
14dark yellow
15purple (dark magenta)
16black (near black)
17dark blue (navy blue)
18dark blue (near dark blue)
19+see common-palette


(for comparison)

0white + black
1black + white
2red + cyan
3green + magneta
4blue + yellow
5teal (dark cyan) + dark red
6yellow + blue
7magneta + green
8grey + black
9dark grey + dark grey
10dark red + light cyan
11dark green + light magneta
12dark blue + light yellow
13teal (dark cyan) + pink (light red)
14dark yellow + light blue
15purple (dark magenta) + light green
16black (near black) + cream (light light yellow)
17dark blue (navy blue) + cream (light light yellow)
18dark blue + light yellow
19+combinations according to 1st color
(see common-palette)

(myaes-skinning zorro config file zorro windfram zPro windfram)

AFROS-Update cover two aspects.
1. Installable update to the ARAnyM based AFROS LiveCD distribution
2. Downloadable binaries of ARAnyM for PCLinuxOS and other Mandriva based distributions
3. Bootable sd-card image for Raspberry Pi with ARAnyM and m68k-cross-tools

Under AFROS it is intended to provide an up to date distribution that can be installed 
from either the LiveCD boot desktop, or the host OS which is currently SLAX. It is hoped that 
this update will then be adopted by the maintainers of the current AFROS and AFROS LiveCD 
distribution downloads. These additions should not be limited to AFROS itself, but the 
underlying OS's, FreeMiNT, and SLAX, to provide a smoother and more usable "everyday 
desktop" experience, while providing the basis for protable development and proto-
typing environment.

The service provided by AFROS-update is:
1. a modern usable "every day desktop"
2. supply of a supplemental development environment (FuDE for AFROS)
3. supply of a supplemental alternative which may contain non-AFROS qualified applications

AFROS - A FRee Operating System (predominantly running on)
ARAnyM - Atari Running on Any Machine


Get AFROS-update at Fast, secure and Free Open Source software downloads afros-update home page sourceforge project page