(myaes skinning) (zorro windfram) (zpro windfram)

  MyAES skinning can be simple or complex, now available in seperate skin types: new (Eric Reboux), original (Zorro). The original skinning gives a traditional window frame theme, including scroll bars, and bottom right sizer. As of v0.92 Olivier Landemarre's MyAES now provides a window frame style somewhat more flexible, allowing for example, a BeOS style window frame, also including scroll bars, and this time with multiple sizers.
(Zorro windfram - by Zorro)
(zPro windfram - by Paul Wratt)


  ERS windfram:
  The ERS windfram, by Eric A. Reboux, has no config files, with the widgets and textures contained in one Targa image file (WINDOW.TGA for color, WINDOWM.TGA for mono). It is arranged in a vertical 20x20 format containing 40 pieces. The final image is 20x800, uses RLE Compression, with a Bottom Left Origin, and can contain Alpha channel color information. The theme rendering itself is limited to the title and buttons (widgets) area, as the rest of the windfram is rendered using a grey gradient, including scrollbars and sliders.
  There Targa image file is assembled in two 20 part pieces, the first 20 are for the currently active window, the next 20 are the same for unfocus windows. They are organised in the following order (vertically, 20x20):
  000-019 - left end of button area
  020-039 - button area for first (or single) button
  040-059 - button area (tiled)
  060-079 - right end of button area
  080-099 - left end of title text area
  100-119 - title text area (tiled)
  120-139 - right end of title text area
  140-159 - close button
  160-179 - close button pressed (unused)
  180-199 - unknown (restore?) (unused)
  200-219 - iconize
  220-239 - fuller (max)
  240-259 - scroll up
  260-279 - scroll down
  280-299 - scroll left
  300-319 - scroll right
  320-339 - top left sizer
  340-359 - top right sizer
  360-379 - bottom left sizer
  380-399 - bottom right sizer
  Theme Design:
  Although the configuration of these themes is quite simple, designing good ones is quite complex, as not many themes lend themselves to being used with this windfram. An original approach is probably the best, although I have done a lot of searching for nice themes, and have found a few which could be converted (with a lot of work and imagination). I also think that the many crux styles (from IceWM) might be good start points for porting a theme.
  One thing that is interesting about this windfram is the ability to use alpha channel (transparency or opacity). Some subtle shading possibilities are probable, making for some interesting themes. Glowing text is one possibility. Another is opaque (translucent) buttons (like the default scroll widgets). It would be nice if there were mouse overs, and or mouse clicks, but this (I think) is limited by MyAES itself. Hopefully this will change in the future.
  Probably the most time consuming part of making this theme, is slicing up your "vision", and placing it in the correct structure. Visualizing a theme is relatively simple, but testing it is not simple, and can be very time consuming. Therefore I have compiles a couple of layered .XCF files for use with GiMP to help with that process ( I will see if I can get a .PSD for PhotoShop as well. Both should be able to handle the slicing with scripting, which will also make things a bit easier.
  Future of ERS windfram:
  I hope to get some enhanced ERS windfram made available, either with some different color gradients, or the source. It has also inspired me to try an develop a windfram that can load structures that are used in XaAES gradients, to help with changing gradients at runtime.

(myaes skinning) (zorro windfram) (zpro windfram)

AFROS-Update cover two aspects.
1. Installable update to the ARAnyM based AFROS LiveCD distribution
2. Downloadable binaries of ARAnyM for PCLinuxOS and other Mandriva based distributions
3. Bootable sd-card image for Raspberry Pi with ARAnyM and m68k-cross-tools

Under AFROS it is intended to provide an up to date distribution that can be installed 
from either the LiveCD boot desktop, or the host OS which is currently SLAX. It is hoped that 
this update will then be adopted by the maintainers of the current AFROS and AFROS LiveCD 
distribution downloads. These additions should not be limited to AFROS itself, but the 
underlying OS's, FreeMiNT, and SLAX, to provide a smoother and more usable "everyday 
desktop" experience, while providing the basis for protable development and proto-
typing environment.

The service provided by AFROS-update is:
1. a modern usable "every day desktop"
2. supply of a supplemental development environment (FuDE for AFROS)
3. supply of a supplemental alternative which may contain non-AFROS qualified applications

AFROS - A FRee Operating System (predominantly running on)
ARAnyM - Atari Running on Any Machine


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